Spaces live ...

I have been running a general multi subject blog at for over a year, but that just does not seem to be working out for me. The windows live writer program assists the content creation, but I must have missed some important detail in the spaces live tutorials.

Some software makers seem to create these programs for geeks and only those born in this generation, who seem to interface with today's devices as soon as they can roll back their eyelids and gain control of that index finger ... and not for the senior citizens like the rest of us. Since we are all born to die, everyone has a chance to become a senior citizen, as long as we can survive, given the escalation of criminality and terrorism perpetrated from the downtown sidewalks right to your dining table. There is lot to talk about but this space is only for amateur ham radio, hopefully.

I will now migrate all my V44KF spaces live amateur radio content here where I believe it is better able to serve my PR and other needs.

Various aspects of this ham radio hobby keeps me relatively busy, but I have some friends and associates who believe that my other interests which include photography and certain biased views on the local politics should be shared with the rest of my friends on the planet. That much can be said for freedom of speech.

I was ignoring the local politics, but with the stupidity promulgated, and the new levels at which it is exhibited by the supposedly "knowledgeable" including the tamarind tree political scientists, it is difficult to remain forever quiet. So when my patience runs out and I find the time, I will 'let off' in the appropriate forum. Politics always seem to make supposedly brilliant people act stupidly, all the time. Irrespective of race, color or creed.

Amateur radio is a great hobby for some, for others it is like a job. The tools are the same, but some hams never get the opportunity to move off first base, while others get to max it out. Early in ones 'ham radio hobby career' the decision should be made, notwithstanding the fact that we cannot tell the future, as to how deep we are willing to delve and dive into our ham radio hobby. Some will want it all, but some will be content to camp just outside the fence.

The good thing about ham radio is that you can change your position anytime, and pretty easily jump over the fence and go for the Gold or vice versa, without someone looking for you with a baseball bat or an 18-inch length of 3/4" galvanized water pipe wrapped up in tomorrow's newspaper. I should qualify this statement, because I am talking about back home here in V4. Things may be significantly different in Countries outside our own [V4] St Kitts - Nevis, or maybe more correctly St Christopher and Nevis, territorial boundaries.

No matter what, enjoy your ham radio while you can, because there may come a day when it may be illegal to even think about amateur radio. I just hope that it NEVER comes to that given some of the continuing posturing in certain quarters, and I sincerely hope that I am not around to witness or make up the statistics.

Anyway, what are you doing today about Amateur and Ham Radio succession and continuity for and in your local community?

Have a great ham radio day.



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