Maintain you health at all costs

This content originally published in on 18th December 2007.


As you get older and wiser you recognize that age is just a number, and the Might Sparrow was right, yet again. After a while, unless you are one of those self centered egotistical persons we are blessed with as friends or associates, you reach the point of almost forgetting that you have the traditional birthdays to celebrate. Actually you may be preempting something as you are that much closer to the end, because the beginning is eternally lost in history, and there is nothing you can do about it. I think you can call this reality. The real world situation that some of us seem to feel does not exist just because we think so. Thinking does a lot of things to and for us and may even play a significant part in your reality, but you better get this reality thing right, because your life and survival or maybe even your existence on the planet could depend on it. So before you come to talk to me about reality please learn about it on Google and maybe for just once in you life, try something on your own.

Most people seem to be of the view that because they do not feel sick that they are healthy. I am not going to argue, debate or discuss this issue with you as it may have some impact on your bubble and I do not wish to contract any bad vibes from you. I need to keep receiving your good vibes, all the time. I keep reading about people who were over their weight, according to the published human data and specifications for 'healthy' people, who were doing well and just suddenly took sick. I do not believe sickness just drop on you like a big stone from nowhere. Anything to do with Nature moves rather slow. Even the mighty hurricane. I think that when the body can no longer manage the bad situation that could result from an abusive owner, it has to give some external indication that internal housekeeping matters need to be addressed pronto. In extreme situations the body may just crash, like a computer, and some lucky owners get the chance to reboot, but some of them unfortunately, do not reboot at all.

The forgoing may sound cold, crude, callous and bizarre, but it is a real world situation that most of us create, most times unintentionally, but we really have no excuse, because of the abundant information and data libraries available to us on the Internet. It has to do with our comfort zone and the concept that if it is not broke do not fix it. That statement is 100% applicable to everything. But the extension to that should be 'to just tweak it to perfection' instead. By now you should be aware of how your body works and what it needs for maximum efficiency. And how what you you are supposed to eat, drink and do, impact upon the body and its designated purpose or function, by you, whether as a tool, weapon, machine, or whatever. Some people never reach the point of thinking about their function or purpose on this planet, so they never really see the big picture, assuming there is one for them to see, and further assuming that they are in the select group allowed to see. Sounds complicated. Everybody may have a different calling and it is often said 'what is for you is for you' and your experiences may certainly not be mine.

I guess it is easier to visualize your body as a vehicle to transport 'YOU' around. I am not getting in the talk of spirit, soul, consciousness or whatever you want to call it, the bottom line is that it is YOU. And move around you must, unless you weigh 600 pounds, and relax on the third floor of a New York City apartment building or set out to enjoy a similar experience. But in addition to transporting YOU around your body can be used, by YOU, for just about anything you desire. Just take a look at the TV and you will see some of these applications. "RIPLEY'S Believe It Or Not" TV program only highlight some applications that you may not want to believe, and there are lots more unbelievable[s] out there. But there is one common thread in all the various applications of body use around the world. So You and your body are not unique. If you want to be a perfect performer on the stage of life you need to take your body to that edge of its perfection, as applicable to your present social status.

Let me explain. If you are going for the Ms Universe Beauty queen title you will not put you body through the same preparation and regime as if you are going for the Ms Universe Bodybuilding title. It is the same body [unless you have a clone] but different applications, and when you peak it for one function or the other, that had better be your life goal because changing to the other function may not be that easy to achieve, but it may be possible. Maybe in time to come the Ms Universe Beauty Queen and Ms Universe Bodybuilding may be merged into one, or in the worst case, they may just both cease to exist. So based on what you are doing with your body, you have to adhere to the guide lines and follow the rules. It is as simple as that. So you do not have to worry about any diet and whatever else after you have identified what your body is supposed to do for YOU. And all the information on how you need to handle your body is available for YOU on the Internet. Just a little research and YOU are home free.

Most of us are caught in the home-work-home loop. And never really get to exploit our body and its development for maximum enjoyment or pleasure in our life time. Some people take their body seriously and make the body exploitation their life work. I have not heard of bodybuilders quitting. I do not think that Beauty Queens do either. Certainly not the Celebrities. They keep on making come backs as is necessary. So what is wrong with our people that we can not look and learn? Especially given the data and information at our fingertips on the Internet today. Maybe it is just the "since it is not broken it does not need fixing" or the "leave well alone" mentality. And those who support that view is welcome to it, but please stay far from me. I believe you are dead wrong and making a bigger mistake, but at the end of the day, it is all about 'free will and choice', so you are right, but you will lie and lament in the bed that you have made.

Now, for the rest of us who are a little wiser and will try to take control of our body and try to tweak it for perfection, HEALTH can only mean one thing. Eat - Drink - Exercise - Sleep. Eating and drinking the correct foods and liquids in the right quantity, volume, weight, frequency, etc. It may mean that you consume only 2 to 3 ounces of you favorite relish instead of the 8 or 9 ounces or more, like before. You may move from a 12 inch diameter platter heaped with Uncle Ben cooked rice to one spoonful of Guyana rice. Drinking that 1 and only Carib Beer instead of the 5 or 6 Beers on Friday afternoon. Certain foods you may now pass over and your body will not miss them, but of course, your can always indulge. New foods will be added to your diet and you will know what "acquired taste" really means. Eating and drinking healthily can be likened to five star hotel style dining, at home and without the price tag and service charge. If you can handle that then you are safe. The food channel on the local Cable network can provide some motivation and experimental menu data.

There are a few things that you will notice in time, like a reduced food shopping bill. I will not give you any ideas, as you may not be eating broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, sweet pepper, onions, garlic, celery, cauliflower, raisons, figs, bananas, at least every other day like me. But since you are a working person that should not be a problem, I mean treating yourself to the best food available here, and it is only pricey in that 'particular' grocery or supermarket. Can you put a price on your health? Did not think so. But you know there are some people who will.

Exercise. Walking in the office and to and from work may not be enough. I have some friends who try to walk 5 miles per day. But exercise by itself without the complementary dietary adjustments will not bring you to or keep you at your "correct weight". As you get older it is more difficult to drop the weight fast without doing something drastic. And doing this 'drastically' you had better be under a properly trained and qualified sports trainer. But I am speaking to the ordinary folks not those who wish to make their body into a weapon, like a Navy Seal. I guess going to a public gym is cool but I prefer the private home gym where you can work out at your leisure. Anyone proud of their body will invest in some form of exercise equipment. But, as has been proven at my home, sometimes the will to work out is lagging way behind. My next gym tool will be a jump rope. Skipping rope, if you will, to add to the treadmill, the cycle bike, the thigh trainer and the trampoline. But to me it can never beat putting the track suit and walking shoes on and leaving the house just before daybreak to walk around Basseterre and be back home before sunrise.

The scientist say that eight hours sleep is the minimum. You can not burn the candle at both ends and expect to live to 100. Learn about sleep deprivation and do not fall into that trap. You only get one shot at life and living so do not miss and mess it up.


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