Merry Christmas

 screenshot of 10 meters around lunchtime Saturday 02 December 2023.

Greetings Amateur Radio Operators, All, from V44KF,

It has been a long time, though it seems like just yesterday we were here blogging about ham radio in V4 and the region. The hurricane season ended a couple days ago, but weather is still the prime talk and they are now adding earthquakes to the chatter. But all is well in V4 and getting better from my perspective. But some may disagree with me, because I sport an optimistic attitude. Regrettably many people are letting other peoples pessimistic attitude get the better of them. This is a hard topic for many so I will just leave it there. 

While I am blogging this I am listening to a G1 station that I contacted few minutes ago. He said that he visited SKB some years ago on a cruise. It is indeed great to speak to someone who has visited our country and have many pleasant memories. This was a DX moment for him so he could not hang out and rag chew, but I guess we may yet do that some day. I am also inside, out of the sun, blogging because a 10 meter antenna is under construction. Looking through my DXE catalog I see where they are selling a 1970 legend, a 5/8 wave vertical antenna from HyGain. It is called the Super Penetrator 12/10 Meter Vertical Antenna, on page 63 of the DXE 2022 catalog. As a ham radio operators I am experimenting, with my design of this antenna. It is well know that the 5/8 wave antenna give the lowest wave angle of any vertical antenna. I have never experimented with this wave angle before, so this will be an interesting experiment.

The sunspot season peaks next year, so that 2023 to 2025 are great years for making DX contacts on the high bands like 10 meters and 15 meters with low power and simple wire antennas. Every ham radio operator should take a shot at making quick and easy 10 meter DX contacts now, or else just wait for the next 11 years. Of course one does not have to hustle, all you really need is a 5 element HyGain 105BA beam, and that should bring the world to you, but when nature helps with the sunspot cycle peak you are guaranteed to win, Take my foolish advice and go for it now.

It would be fair for me to say that I do not know the true state of ham radio in V4. I have not attended any society meeting for the last few years, but I get an  occasional update for a ham or two, but I have no interaction with the society executive. I suspect that they are all busy with their various job assignments, plus amateur radio is only a hobby, it should not be a daily distraction, what you do in your spare time and available off time. Society elections are due soon, but I am of the view that the present executive should be given a second opportunity to make the society shine. They are now familiar with the waters of ham radio, and have the answers to many of the ham radio problems plaguing us from the inception in 1973. This is the time to make SKNARS shine, and I believe that this executive can do that, with the help of all the MALE members of the society. Apply the thinking from outside the box. Let us make this happen.

From my observation there is a lack of ham radio activity in V4. Looks like we have to wait for overseas visitors to enter our Federation, for the V4 call sign to be heard around the world. There was a time when  the couple hams that were in VP2K dominated the air waves, as it seemed like every opportunity they had they operated. Of course things are different now. Electricity has increases, and that seem to be the big deterrent to ham radio operation from home. So if we must operate from home let us make it worth while. Let us be creative and innovative, and I leave that there. There are solar cell being thrown away in SKB, but I am not getting into that. Maybe a solar cell retailer can give special rates and concessions to amateur radio operators, maybe NEMA and the Government can do something about this. But if we the ham radio operators do not look like we are ACTIVE and are in need of help, the answer will always be NO. I done with that.

It is Christmas time again, and we all wish for, want and need, all kinds of things. But things do not just drop into our lap, it takes a little effort, directing and guiding to get things into our position. That is called planning and work.  When we get things that we have not planned for, or worked for, it will fly away. This has happened many times in the life of our amateur ham radio society, maybe because nobody at that time was SERIOUS about ham radio. Everybody had a radio station, and the club radio station was always missing in the action. We need to get past this mentality and seek to operate the club radio station for the good it can do for the other members, those who do not have their own radio stations as yet. The club radio station should be the most active radio station in V4. Period. 

I do not wish to sound like I have aught against the society, but all of us are responsible for the growth of amateur radio in the  Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. Let us see what we can do in the coming year to double the number of amateur radio callsigns and license holders in V4. The amateur radio headquarters at Taylors, is located within a quarter of a mile from three schools. I am told that the high schools has over 1500 students. The society seems to be located in the right place, and it looks like this may also be right time, if we can handle it. Before we mess it up, let us get the professional people to guide us in doing the right things right. A whole society approach is absolutely necessary.

Let me leave this here for now.

Greetings for the season. Enjoy.

Have a wonderful ham radio day.



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