... on the move again.
Well, at last everything is back to normal at this QTH, as far as the impact on ham radio over the last few months is concerned, given all the excitement surrounding the general elections, the winning 4-peat Government and subsequent swearing in ceremony for the newly elected constituency representatives on Sunday 7th February. The national political action is not over but its impact on my own local ham radio is done. So I am picking it up where I left off last year. The 18-foot length of aluminum tubing is already mounted on the mast. You may recall earlier I was going for the option to re-install the single band 40-meter top and bottom loaded vertical dipole antenna. This is the first step towards my 2010 antenna experiments, that of phasing two top and bottom loaded vertical dipole antennas. The two masts are already about 30 plus feet apart, so that limits the number of phasing combinations and configurations. The vertical elements are only 1/8 wave tall, even though I prefer 1/4 ...