update Jan 2010

Over the last few weeks being pressed for time I blogged here and posted that content to the Verticals2 discussion group. Today this will work in reverse, and the forum post from earlier today follows

""Greetings again to all the fine members of the Verticals2 group.

At last we are back to normal in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. The general elections are over and we still have the same government for another 5-years. It is a 4-peat. Though there is still some politics in the air everything is virtually normal, so ham radio down here can now continue where it left off a few years back.

My brand of ham radio was not impacted by the local politics. I may be considered as a by product of the politics given my roots, but other hams got caught up in the fray, more like sucked in, but they should now be back to normal, even though they did not get the Government they tried for, and that is no reason to hold ham radio to ransom.

So where do we go from here. I am of the view that as soon as the new Govt is sworn in and we know who is the Minister of Telecoms, the hams radio organisations should continue the discussions pertinent to ham radio incentives, and other overdue matter that need urgent attention.

At the club level the SKNAARS society is actively working on the HQ site again, but we have a squatter to evict, and then the site security matter is priority one. Electricity should be on the site within another week or so and we can begin to operate from the trunk of our vehicles, or one of the many tents in our storage, once the top and bottom loaded vertical antennas are re-installed again.

This ham operating activity is the steroid for the Society, and historically boosts participation and membership. This year we are hoping to see how close to our peak membership ever of seventy [70] that we can approach. A couple years ago the licensed ham population was well over 133, with only one SK last year.

Other hams have retired and are moving towards building their ham radio station again. So 2010 is looking hopeful so far, and I am promoting the simplicity and efficiency of the home brew T-cap antennas, for every serious ham radio operator and radio station.

Today I turn another year in ham radio, being first licensed on 31st January 1968 as VP2KF. I am still committed to the furtherance of ham radio in V4 land, and to assisting all local hams to get on the air, with [or without] a top and bottom loaded vertical dipole antenna, which I have found over the last few years to have no equal.

This year I will partner with interested hams to see if we can resolve the coax cable and aluminum tubing issues that local hams claim slow them down and stop them, from experiencing the joys of ham radio in V4.

I have a contract to build T-caps in Nevis when the aluminum tubing and coax cable arrive. I also have a 160 meter helical T-cap on paper and construction will start on that as soon as I receive my antenna wire from the wireman and the weather is fair. V44KO is completing his 80-meter top and bottom spokes hatted loaded vertical dipole within the next few weeks.

So V4 ham radio activity is building up and looking good. What is it like with you and ham radio in your area? Don't let the weather keep you down. Of course you can always relocate to V4 for the season to work DX 24x7, and fly out before any hurricanes after June. This is the Life of the Islands and can't get any better than this.

Have a great ham radio day.

73, Keeth""


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