Happy New Year

Happy New Year.

Everyone is dreaming about what they can do with their Ham Radio for 2024. In our part of the word that depends on the amount of money a ham radio operator wishes to put into the hobby to make it work. I have discovered that in these times a person has to exhaust all the options before spending the hard earned cash. Of course if cash is not an issue, no problem, spend as you go. There are a set of people singing the daily song that hard times are coming soon. There will be worldwide shortages of everything, and we are beginning to see it happen. Some people will be affected, and some people more than others. It behooves all of us to know which side of the river we are on, and take the necessary precautions. Ham radio equipment is still unable to replace food and other daily requirements for survival. So be very careful when planning, and try to make the best long term decisions with a positive impact on survival.

Becoming a ham radio operator is not a problem, what seems to be the problem is the lack of support for ham radio operators, at all levels. V4 is a high income country, according to the international financial people, but that does not appear so on the ground and at the grassroots level. Ham radio can only flourish and develop as expected, when there is an organized, functioning as in active, ham radio club, society or association. Ham radio organizations have their ups and downs, all the time. They blow very hot and very cold. We need to be  aware of that and examine what we have in V4 and re-ignite the fire if it seems to be going out. There are always optimistic ham radio operator, and even supporters, who are not operators, but have the interest of ham radio at heart.

Ham Radio in V4 is alive and doing well. Ham Radio always does well, it is the ham radio operators that do not. For 2024 I expect that all ham radio operators will do well. I am hopeful that the shift in mindset that is necessary for some of us to realize, and to reach for that level of ham radio that is within our grasp. There was a time when I also thought that it was elusive, then I discovered that all it took was a simple shift in the mindset. It does not cost you anything,  actually there is more to gain than to lose. Let us be optimistic, move forward and upward, and expect that everyone is on the same page with us. In time those lagging behind will catch up. Do not see this as a ditching of the weak for the strong. To be strong, think strong, always. Think outside the box, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Where finances are involved, instead of saying, that is beyond me, I cannot afford that, get a piggy bank and place a quarter or more in it regularly towards your future purchase. One day soon your quarters will add up and you will surprise yourself with the once impossible item.

[to be continued]



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