Is the end in sight?

 We are now down to two [2] days before the general elections for a new government in Saint Kitts and Nevis. This government has not done anything for me, and I look forward to getting a new government in place in three days time. My needs are simple. Get rid of the RF interference on the amateur radio frequencies. The RF interference is generated by skelec, as it originates from the smart meter system of the electricity company. The electric company has refused to stop generating the illegal RF interference, even though the NTRC, the alleged guardian of the Telecommunications industry in Saint Kitts and Nevis is on their case. I say alleged, because they have been unable to get skelec to comply with their cease-and-desist order. This also proves that skelec is above the law, and can do whatsoever it pleases with the blessings of the ministers of government. A very sad state of affairs in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

But that reign of lawlessness can be ended soon if the voters of the Federation install a new government from the opposition benches. The last government has not been good for amateur radio at all. They were just full of talk. The ministry of Telecommunications had the amateur radio society draw up a list of items that they could make duty free or provide some  concessions on, and seven [7] years later the ministry is still to get back to the amateur radio society. The minister and ministry were never interested or serious about amateur radio in the Federation, but they wanted hams to be ready, willing and able to assist NEMA in times of Emergency and Disaster. I am speaking for me, as I see it, I do not know how the other ham radio operators are responding.

Following is my Facebook status post for today, Wednesday, shared here for any information it may provide:


"" A bright and beautiful Wednesday in my skb, where it is quiet up on the hillside, everything looking and feeling normal, 86.2 degrees F. inside, and I saw a couple young monkeys running across the street in this direction. I hope that the incoming Government on August 6th will address this pestilence brought to SKB in the slavery day. Something creative and innovative can be done. 2 more days before the end, 2 more days before the beginning. I am on the side for change, real change, life giving change for the majority of our citizens. I am voting LABOUR and for MARSHA HENDERSON because there has been an illegal issue know to the government, and the world over, for the last few years, and the government refused, point blank to deal with it, but rather played politics, and let many citizens and visitors suffer loss, tremendous loss.

A few years ago when the electricity company turned on their smart meter system it generated a range of radio frequency signals that blocked and jammed other duly licensed Telecommunication services from using that range of frequencies. This include some Amateur Radio frequencies and other services. The Amateur Radio Society in St Kitts contacted, discussed and tried to negotiate a fix for the problems, but skelec just gave them bull after bull after bull, and did nothing about it. Skelec also refused to implement a fix to the problem that was supplied by their equipment supplier overseas. In the meantime the affected amateur radio operators sought the assistance of the International Amateur Radio organizations to bring a resolution to our interference problem. Local amateur radio operators took to the local  news media, and those videos can be viewed on my amateur/ham radio Facebook page at Amateur Radio Station V44KF 

The last news I heard was that the minister responsible for skelec was going to speak with the minister responsible for Telecommunications, to wit, Hon Minister Richards was to speak with Hon Minister Byron, but NOTHING ever happened. More bull two-two again. In 2019 the NTRC, responsible for managing Telecommunications in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, issued a cease-and-desist order to skelec to stop generating the illegal radio frequency signals that block and jam frequencies used by other Telecommunications user in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. Skelec refused to comply with the order and up to now, in August 2022, they have paid NO ATTENTION WHATSOEVER to the NTRC. Recently the prime minister fired the minister responsible for skelec, but still nothing has been done to comply with the laws of the land, in relation to stopping the interference, noise and frequency jamming to other Telecommunication services.

I am voting for MARSHA HENDERSON because I believe that MARSHSHA HENDERSON can resolve this illegal matter, with skelec, which cause interference to my Telecommunication service in Saint Kitts, and I am informed in Nevis also. So for me I know why I am voting for LABOUR and for MARSHA HENDERSON, and I am confident that she can and will deliver on this, because that is what she always do. I hope that other amateur radio operators with a similar experience would go beyond their party politics and vote for the person in their constituency that can help MARSHA HENDERSON to STOP the skelec ILLEGAL interference that has plagued us for the last few years. Vote for MARHA HENDERSON, the DEFENDER. My 2 cents.""


In three days time we will know if the ham radio operators will continue to suffer this RF interference for another five [5] years, or if relief is in sight. I am optimistic and I believe that relief is in sight. This can bring a new day to amateur radio in Saint Kitts and Nevis. I hope that the amateur radio society could rise to the occasion, and seek to interface and dialog with the new minister and ministry of Telecommunications, and seek to make permanent ALL the temporary concessions that were put in place by the SKN LABOUR  PARTY government before the 2015 change of government.

Many hams are waiting for the release of the American version of the Yaesu FT-710 transceiver. Some hams are projecting that the Yaesu FT-710 is the Yaesu answer to the popular Icom IC-7300. It is projected to have a better front end, and possibly a better price, as low as 800 uncle. Yaesu has not announced the US price, but hams are queueing up at most popular radio stores. I am intrigued by the radio as it appears to be a good starter radio for any ham radio operator in V4, Saint Kitts and Nevis. The Yaesu FT-710 is the latest radio in the new Yaesu SDR design, which is six [6] years younger than the IC-7300. The FT-710 can take our V4 ham radio station operation to a new level.

[to be continued]


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