

Every day brings us closer to the day when the RF interference, noise and frequency jamming generated by the electric company goes away permanently. The Minister responsible for the utilities is still familiarizing with the offices and staff under his ministries, and so we need to afford him time t get a good grasp of the areas of  responsibility under his charge. I am confident that when this RF interference matter comes up, or is brought to his attention, this RF interference matter will not be swept under the carpet as it was before by the last administration. I am willing to wait three [3] months, until the end of the hurricane season, November 30, before I begin to forcibly agitate for resolution.  I suspect that the Amateur Radio Society may also have a resolution timeline on this matter.

This blog is about ham radio and how we can help our brother and sisters in the ham radio hobby to be the best amateur radio operators that they can be. We are all aware of the limitations that we face in these developing countries of the world. Sant Kitts is the smallest nation in the world, but that does not stop our ham radio operators from excelling in amateur radio and being the best operators that they can become. If every V4 ham radio operator was gifted with 20k USD only for investment in ham radio, we would all be very surprised to see the high quality of ham radio output in every mode from the V4 ham radio operators in record time. I am working on a plan to make this happen. 

A few minutes ago I was looking at some old amateur radio links on my computer and I discovered a book which I tried to acquire some years ago, but it was not available. Today I see that the latest edition of that book is being made available to all ham radio operators in a downloadable file.  I encourage all amateur radio operators to download a copy and keep it in a very safe place, one day day you will be glad that you did. All of us are not technically serious ham radio operators, but it is always wise to place important stuff in the vault for a rainy day. Click on the link below now, and download your book NOW.  


The book Managing Interstation Interference, written by former INRAD owner George Cutsogeorge W2VJN is now available as a free download

George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN, has made his book Managing Interstation Interference available for free download as a service to the Amateur Radio community rather than publishing a subsequent printed edition. We are hosting the download on the parent website of INRAD, The direct link is

Thanks George!


For your complete ham radio knowledge, it is always good to know about the past and present of ham radio, as it helps to mold your future. Get to know more about RL Drake Company and ham radio. 

The History Behind The R.L. Drake Company.

The following link is provided for your information.

I found the following page quite instructive, and it opened my eyes to a few things. As we go along on this ham radio journey, there are TRUTHS that we will discover, and add to, or update our ham radio product. Keep your eyes and your mind open. Ask questions and research everything. Ham radio is just like everything else in our world today, and one has be sure in their own mind, that what they get is exactly what they need. Read on the line, and between the lines. This is not about the price.

A picture of the Yaesu FT-710 again grace my page, because the FT-710 appears to be the radio of tomorrow, probably best suited to all entry level ham radio operators, and ham radio operators seeking a high quality radio on a budget. The FT-710 should reach the US market next month, September, or shortly thereafter, as long as it can meet the FCC requirements. US hams speculate that the FT-710 is the Yaesu equivalent of the Icom IC-7300 which was made some six [6] years  ago. The Yaesu FT-710 could be a best radio made for 2022. 

Yaesu FT-710 AESS

We are coming up on the hurricane season peak for Saint Kitts and Nevis, which historically is around the middle of September, falling in the Independence celebrations. All is looking quiet so far, but we need to keep alert and be prepared for anything this season.

[to be continued]


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