
ain't it time to stop playing politics with SKNAARS?

I just came from the restroom and you know how you sometimes get ideas when you are in there. I don't want to call it inspiration but if you think that what it is I will back you up. Actually, my flash came when I was under the shower and the water was slightly below body temperature for mid morning. I was thinking photography not ham radio, so I don't know where the flash came from, and since it seems to be a truism I will say a few word, very few, on this. Some people have a way of wanting to tell others what they must do and say, and could do and say, and I am not into that foolishness. Every person has a right to do and say what they wish, anytime and any place, but if in so doing they violate any laws and bye laws, to which a penalty is attached, following any recourse that was taken by those who felt 'hurt' or mischievous, you can either suck it or appeal the judgement, if it was legally obtained. The long and short is, if you don't like it lump it or deal wi

the scientific experiments continue

WOW!! It is just a week short of a month since my last ham radio blog, and time seems to be just zipping by, and I must be slowing down real fast ... but no, it can't be me because I am always right and perfect, so it has to be you and everybody else. I learn from today's youths that anything that's wrong in the world is your fault, it can't be me ... even when you catch them with the cookie in hand. Some world we live in nowadays, but one day when they get old like us, they will suddenly awake and make the discovery, and new meaning may be given to certain words like radical. When these youths get hot under the collar, they hot, too hot for Jerry Springer's show. Every now and then I see mine take off, and "like a dirt bike" is no longer an appropriate description, maybe "like a backhoe, bulldozer and dump truck" is more accurate. Anyway, when thing are normal we still love them, we have no choice, we brought them into the world ... even though

another experimental vertical antenna

Today I saw my first Flex 5000A on eBay, and I just had to lay down a bid on it. There were also a couple Elecraft K2 and Ten Tec Omni 6 rigs. I suspect that even though things are tight some hams are not letting go their top-of-the-line Ten Tec Orion or Elecraft K3 transceivers, until it is absolutely necessary. Well, I wouldn't either, something else would have to go first, second and third, but not my ham radios nor my fishing tackle. I know that some happy hams will be camping out on eBay, on the coop, and I myself might loose some sleep watching the auction minutes counting down. My Kenwood TS-940SAT is calling for maintenance again, so I am honoring the message about MTBF. I used to think that I was the only person who had been turned off by an unexpected, albeit unwarranted, response from a supplier for a ham rig made in Japan. I now find that I have friends with similar experiences, for the same brand of equipment [it is not Kenwood]. I will endorse the equipment for it

... vertical antenna pace quickens

GOD is good all the time. Some of us believe and some of us don't, but it is a personal thing and I am not getting into your business. On the other hand I can afford to share my business as by doing so it may help someone to better find their way, even if it is only one, I have won. Humbly, I believe that I am making headway, but even if I am not, doing this keeps me out of trouble, and trust me, trouble is running wild in these days. You see them "petite jeune filles", they are trouble, not just in Arima, but all over. Anyway, I have my ham radio for entertainment and more importantly, to keep me focused. When seniors loose focus, it can be the beginning of the end, so, all you seniors and prospective seniors, [and youths don't work, if you live you will arrive too] don't ever loose it, find something to do and stay with it, forever, stay focused, and stop watching the girls suntanning on the beach ... Yesterday one of my ham radio buddies dropped by. We have be

... on the move again.

Well, at last everything is back to normal at this QTH, as far as the impact on ham radio over the last few months is concerned, given all the excitement surrounding the general elections, the winning 4-peat Government and subsequent swearing in ceremony for the newly elected constituency representatives on Sunday 7th February. The national political action is not over but its impact on my own local ham radio is done. So I am picking it up where I left off last year. The 18-foot length of aluminum tubing is already mounted on the mast. You may recall earlier I was going for the option to re-install the single band 40-meter top and bottom loaded vertical dipole antenna. This is the first step towards my 2010 antenna experiments, that of phasing two top and bottom loaded vertical dipole antennas. The two masts are already about 30 plus feet apart, so that limits the number of phasing combinations and configurations. The vertical elements are only 1/8 wave tall, even though I prefer 1/4

update Jan 2010

Over the last few weeks being pressed for time I blogged here and posted that content to the Verticals2 discussion group . Today this will work in reverse, and the forum post from earlier today follows ""Greetings again to all the fine members of the Verticals2 group. At last we are back to normal in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. The general elections are over and we still have the same government for another 5-years. It is a 4-peat. Though there is still some politics in the air everything is virtually normal, so ham radio down here can now continue where it left off a few years back. My brand of ham radio was not impacted by the local politics. I may be considered as a by product of the politics given my roots, but other hams got caught up in the fray, more like sucked in, but they should now be back to normal, even though they did not get the Government they tried for, and that is no reason to hold ham radio to ransom. So where do we go from here. I am of the view

... action time 2010

Ham Radio is alive and doing better in St Kitts and Nevis. I wish all hams will continue to prosper in 2010. I am expected to say something like that as an opening statement. We already know things are better, and not just down here in the sunny Caribbean, because we are all here, as in alive, to appreciate that, and we have a handle on our destiny. I am not entertaining any discussion on this destiny topic, as some folks seem to believe that the world will end in 2012, or is it now 2050 or sometime. If the end is so close then we could afford to throw caution to the wind and have ourselves a ham radio ball, like take our last cent and treat ourself to that dream rig. The other option is to do like some others on the planet oblivious of the apparent 'end of the world' and continue to live one day at a time, taking this ham radio hobby in stride. Ham radio is doing better in V4 because the first monthly meeting of our ham radio society was very well attended by 10 hams, and we