40/80 meter single feed line vertical dipole antenna surprise
WOW!!!!! I made a contact into Maryland this morning with 5 watts on the experimental antenna. I was not even calling the station, I only came of 7.195 MHz and asked if anyone was around, looking for any of the usual local or Caribbean hams, and a W3 station responded. He gave me a signal report but I don't think that I heard him correctly, so I am not repeating it, but the last time I got that quality report I was using a Drake TR4C, L4B and a two element phased array beaming to North America. Anyway, I made the trip to MD with 5 watts and did not have to repeat anything. I know the SWR on the 40 meter portion of the antenna is 1 to 1 at 7.150 MHz. So maybe I should not really be surprised. It could also be that Storm ANA that is 3 days away to our East could have affected the atmosphere to such a degree that it messed with the propagation, creating a super path between V4 and W3. But that is not all, because today is the first time that I have received Guyana, 8R1WD to be exact, ...