40/80 vertical dipole antenna feedback

All systems are go to install the 40/80 meter vertical dipole antenna today, if no rain. Rain is the one thing in the Caribbean that upsets everyone. Personally, I like the rain and it slows down, but does not stop my show. For some people it is the opposite, just the thought of rain totally stops their show. Rain to some people is like fire and brimstone. Of course for the Rastaman rain is quite something else.

After serious consideration and contemplation I have decided why and where I will place, as in orient, the top and bottom loading wires for both the 40 and 80 meter antennas. It is not really critical because as long as you are 'out of plane' it is good bye to the high angle suppression. In this experiment I want to see if the allowed 'high angles' will give my antenna 'more ears' for local contacts. In theory it should, while maintaining the original low angle.

I need to make up a new feed line, but I will use the old one which is good for 40 meters, but should be bad for 80 meters. The feed line should be 185-feet long with 50 to 60-ft of that would into a solenoid balun. The remaining 125-ft is more than enough to reach into the operating room. I have many precut cables to extend the original feed line, but maybe an insufficient supply of PL-258 connectors. In any even we are using what we have without incurring any additional costs. That is what this is also about. Getting the job done without even the shoestring.

I am also on vacation until next week, but you know how it is with us hams, there is nothing called vacation from our ham radio hobby. The XYL has gone to visit with relatives so, maybe I can have the guys over next weekend for a rum party before she gets back, or maybe we should just set up shop under a tent on the lawn and operate 40 and 80 meters all night long. That is a better idea, and sounds like what I will do, and hopefully, tell you all about it.

For today I have some chores and if the sun is not to hot and I can find another pair of hands [not that it is necessary] I will raise the new antenna and test it out. As long as we have resonance [without a tuner] by sunset, we can see what DX is lurking round and about.

Some time between today and next Saturday we are also installing a 40/80 vertical dipole at our Amateur Radio Society Headquarters site. That has a better low angle take off location than I have here at the QTH.

Today may be a packed one but we will touch the antenna installation in some way. Got to go.

Have a great ham radio day.


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