


Happy New Year.

Congratulations and Welcome.

Let us take a moment to observe the "silent keys", our ham radio brothers and sisters who left us in 2022. Just a few days ago we lost V44KO, Lawson, a senior ham radio operator. We will all miss him for the invaluable contributions he made to ham radio and the Saint Kitts Nevis Amateur Radio Society in V4. He will always be remembered by the ham radio brothers and sisters. I am certain that much will be written about his ham radio life and style in the days to come. 

A new wave of ham radio begins now. Many ham radio operators will make the usual resolutions to do more about their ham radio this year, but truth be told for many of us only the spirit is willing. I have been there so I know. Take action on your ham radio, do something because talk is cheap. Make an investment in your ham radio if you can. Show yourself that you are serious. Only practical ham radio will get us anywhere, resolutions and talk do not. For a minimum investment project modify the antenna for better performance, improved signal strength.

I am not going to knock anyone, because the best made plans always fail. Something always goes wrong at the last minute. I look at the DX-peditions, well made plans, then something unforeseen pops up, and the plans are modified sometimes even cancelled. This is life and it happens all the time. But we need to take steps, even small steps, in the right direction all the time. This is what stops many of us from moving forward. It [moving forward] is all all about us not about anyone else. This is a hard for many to swallow.

I came across this New Year salutation and thought that I should share it with you for what it is worth.


Let us shape this new year into one of the best ham radio years of our life. Let us spare no energy in ensuring that our ham radio is the best that it can be for us and the next ham radio generation. We live in a country where nothing is impossible, and nothing should be impossible to any ham radio operator in V4. Simple, just let us make it happen.

By the way, for those who do not know yet, the snap is my new ham radio toy, I could not wait for 2023, so I took it as soon as it came off the production line. I am still working on my antennas, and awaiting proper station accessories. 

What is happening with DX from Saint Kitts? We are happy for our visitors who put V4 on the globe, but what are we doing. We are heading for a sunspot peak, and we should not let it pass us by. The bands from 10 meters to 20 meters are open daily. I am looking for ham radio brothers and sisters to join me on 10 meters 17 meters at their convenience. Let us do the best we can this new year for our ham radio.



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