All Is Well


All Is Well, as this week V4 takes new steps in addressing the covid within our borders. Let us be there for our brothers and sisters who are part of the covid teams. Our PRAYERS are with them 24x7 as they provide National Service with undeniable and undisputed distinction. Amateur Radio has a unique role to play in any aspect of Emergency Disaster, and is almost always on alert during this season. A few miles down the road the V88 amateur radio operators of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are dealing with an active Volcano, and in a few days the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1. All amateur radio operators in this Caribbean region is undergoing practical training, whether we like it or not. We do not know when covid will end, neither the V88 volcano activity, let us PRAY that this is a quiet hurricane activity year. This is a testing time for amateur radio in this region. 

In recent times I suggested that all amateur radio stations should have, and that all amateur radio operators should invest in a reliable antenna analyzer. I made that investment years ago and it has paid off time and time again. I got my last antenna analyzer just weeks before everything closed down in 2020 as everyone began to wrestle with cvid19. I did not get mental over the lockdown, stay at home,  or state of emergency, because I was busy building and testing a variety of antennas for different bands. Looking back at my records I made trips up the ladder at almost midnight, but I was in my own yard. That is the great thing about having your own tools, and test instruments. 

There are many antenna analyzers on the market, and I have found that the rig experts brand meets my needs easily. As a senior citizen I need a user friendly device, and my analyzer tell me all that I need to know on one screen. There seem to be a few rig expert analyzers in V4, and if you feel the need to get an analyzer to make your station fly, make the move. If you need more details on how great it is drop by and let me give you a demo. All covid protocols are necessary. The Rig Experts analyzers can be found here. 

A few days ago I assisted an amateur radio operator with analyzing a balun built for a particular type of antenna. The balun was placed on the table and a fixed resistor was used to simulate the antenna impedance of 1000-ohms.  The Rig Expert AntScope2, displayed the pattern of the balun  to frequencies from 160 to 10 meters. The screenshots below display the balun characteristics when we kept reducing the value by 100-ohms below 1000-ohms.  I am told that this balun was expected to match the antenna to 40-meters. From our tests this balun is useable around 10-meters. A serious redesign is necessary if it is to work on 40-meters.

 The above teaches us many things. [a] We need to take a look at the antenna and determine if it is really 1000-ohms as the designer, supplier says. [b] If the antenna impedance is correct, we have to determine what matching device is necessary for the feedline in use. That is for openers. If I get the antenna information, I may hang the antenna here [at V44KF] and run tests. Toroidal baluns are not my thing, but put them on your antenna analyzer and draw your own conclusions. I experiment with different matching devices. 

A reputable antenna analyzer is an investment that pays off for an amateur radio station. It can make the difference in making contact with hams on the other side of the world. The more discerning V4 operators are making the investment.

[to be continued] 


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