DX: Here We Come #3


"The rewards of life come to those who DO, not to those who merely read, talk or day dream. ACTION is The KEY". This is the Action beginning month. Begin the MARCH, one step at a time, even if you only touch the radio daily, don't stop and accept defeat. At the ham station many things are accelerating. I am not at liberty to share liberally. It is interesting to note that I am also looking into YB land for DX. This is DX when you are in V4, and if you can get into YB, all the DX in this area is fair game. Unfortunately in V4 we are still suffering from RF interference on the DX bands 12 MHz to 2 MHz and here is what is going on.  


We are all hopeful that this interference matter is resolved soon. The local amateur radio society which has been talking with the authority about the interference for some time, seem to be using all its power to bring about a resolution, but nothing is happening. It has gone 4 years and the interference is still there, and some operators are saying that the interference has increased on their radio. This interference is not only blocking the local amateur radio operators from participating in contests and other ham radio activities put on by many other ham radio organizations in various countries, but also prevent visits from foreign ham radio operators and groups, who visit V4 to operate during these contest times.

Covid19 is not a deterrent, but the fact that the action frequencies which they desire to use are blocked and jammed with locally generated RF interference, that completely obliterate any signals from anywhere, does not encourage any visiting or investing in the V4 destination. The local amateur radio society has just elected a new executive committee for 2021, and we hope that they can help the membership to realize interference free operating frequencies very soon. I observe that in the meantime some amateur radio operators are not allowing themselves to be distracted by this disgraceful lawlessness and continue to invest significantly in ham radio hardware and to improve their amateur radio stations. Here is the society President:


While we wait for this local RF interference problem on the DX bands to  cease, we still need to pursue DX knowledge, because there is something new every day. Recently I came across, the contest university,  https://www.contestuniversity.com/  Take a look and if you have any questions make the contact. When you make an interesting discovery, discuss and share your find with your ham radio buddies, this is how we all grow and develop to become better amateur radio operators.

[to be continued]  


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