Nine months and counting ...

West Bus Terminal, Bay Road, Basseterre, Saint Kitts under construction.

People the world over are declaring that "Black" matters, but regrettably, we in Saint Kitts and Nevis may be unable to show public solidarity with brothers and sisters overseas because our country is under a State of Emergency.

Fortunately for us in this Federation we do not seem to suffer from the 'police brutality' that people in other countries say that they experience. That is a good thing because we may not have that level of racism, which seem to be a trigger for the present global activity. But that does not mean that 'RACISM' does not exist in our Saint Kitts and Nevis. Racism is alive and doing well in certain entities of our Federation, and that racism continues to create a measure of gross injustice and lawlessness in our country.

I have been a licensed Amateur Radio operator in the Colony Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, and now in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, since January 1968. Amateur Radio is International, not a Saint Kitts thing. Every country in the world is a member of the ITU [International Telecommunications Union], and can issue a callsign to anyone who wish to operate an Amateur Radio Station in their country. Reference below link to : ITU Table of Allocation of International Call Sign Series

Every ITU member country agree to a set of Rules and Regulations that globally govern all aspects of Telecommunications, including Amateur Radio in all countries of the world. One of these Rules and Regulations  state that no entity should  generate any kind of Radio frequency interference on certain registered frequencies, nor cause any signal to be generated  that could interference with any duly registered service on certain frequencies. Every world country including Saint Kitts and Nevis has agreed with the ITU on this rule.

A few years ago it was brought to public attention that an entity in the Federation was using equipment which generated radio frequency interference, which seriously affected legally registered radio services on the HF frequencies. The interference matter was reported to the NTRC, by the people who experienced the radio frequency interference to their service.  The NTRC is the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission in Saint Kitts, who has the duty to ensure that all registered frequencies are always free and clear from any kind of radio frequency interference.

The NTRC on October 7th, 2019 issued the entity generating the RF interference with a notice telling them to "stop the transmission of the illegal radio frequency signals that was causing interference with other radio frequency services". July 7th, 2020 is nine [9] months later, and I have not heard any official word from anyone that the entity transmitting the interfering signals have complied with the NTRC's order to stop transmitting their illegal radio frequency signals. As one very vocal observer comments, "the entity has totally ignored the NTRC," not just for one or two months, but for nine [9] whole months. Does this prove that the NTRC cannot represent the ITU in upholding the internationally agreed Telecommunications laws of the world, in our Saint Kitts and Nevis?

This case above relate to SOME of the Amateur Radio operators in Saint Kitts, who cannot use the amateur radio frequencies which are primarily used for communications in this season of storm, hurricanes, disasters, and more.  However, I find it rather strange, that the business entity whose equipment is generating these interfering radio signals which block the amateur radio services, has found it rather CONVENIENT within one week of the NTRC's order to stop the illegal transmissions, to remove all of the transmitting equipment from certain locations, so that SOME amateur radio stations and operators, no longer have any complaints of the radio frequency interference whatsoever.

The question for today is, "when will the business entity complete the job of removing all the equipment that generate the radio frequency interference that is affecting the majority of local amateur radio operators in Saint Kitts?".  From 2017 amateur radio operators in Saint Kitts have been stopped from using popular frequencies because of locally generated noise and interference.  I am one who believe that the system has broken down and cannot be fixed locally. I call on the ITU, IARU, all International Telecommunications  entities, and all right thinking honest persons in the public domain,  to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP US IF YOU CAN. We need to get our AMATEUR RADIO FREQUENCIES in Saint Kitts back, free and clear from any radio frequency interference.

Thank You all, and have a wonderful day.


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