Five months and counting

snap of sknaars operating table March 7, 2020

March 7th 2020 made five [5] months since the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Saint Kitts and Nevis, the NTRC,  issued a cease and desist order to the utility company, telling them to stop transmitting illegal radio frequency signals on the international short wave radio frequencies used by other radio services inside and outside of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

As I scribe this I am not aware that the utility company has stopped transmitting the illegal radio frequency signals that cause RF interference, noise and frequency jamming to other radio services inside Saint Kitts and Nevis. Five months ago on October 7th 2019, the NTRC, issued the order to stop the utility company from making these illegal signal transmissions, but the utility company seems to have just brushed the NTRC aside, and continues to generate the illegal RF interference, noise and frequency jamming signals.

I suspect that the NTRC is now doing what I think they should have done since day one. I am of the view that the NTRC should have taken this matter to Court since last year, and let the Judge tell the utility company that they are in breach of the laws, and to cease and desist from transmitting the interference signals.

I am an amateur radio operator since 1968 and have never had my amateur radio service disrupted until the utility company came along and installed equipment that jammed the amateur radio frequencies with RF interference and noise all day, every day, since 2017. Local amateur radio operators tried to seek an accommodation with the utility company, but up to now the local amateur radio operators are still experiencing the RF interference, noise and frequency jamming, generated by the utility company smart meter system.

We do not know why the utility company is insisting that the local, indigenous, native, amateur radio operators, must endure the RF interference, noise and frequency jamming, every day, when they [the utility company] have removed the  equipment which generate the illegal RF interference, noise and frequency jamming signals, from the houses and locations  used by our visiting amateur radio operators from the USA, one week after the NTRC issued the cease and desist order to the utility company.

I am of the view that the removal action taken by the utility company, to remove the equipment causing the illegal RF interference signals, from the houses and locations where visiting USA amateur radio operators reside and operate, should also be done for ALL our local indigenous amateur radio operators. We are all amateur radio operators, and if the utility company can stop the illegal interfering signals for the "white" people, they can also do it for the "Black" people who also live in Saint Kitts. It is rather sad that we still see this social activity happening in our Saint Kitts in 2020.

But all is not lost, amateur radio will not die, we will overcome and in time the utility company will do the right thing and stop generating illegal RF interference signals on the short wave bands. Amateur radio is INTERNATIONAL, and the amateur radio brothers and sisters around the world are in our corner.

 Here is a link to an amateur radio news station in the USA who carried an items on the Saint Kitts utility RF interference issue, item #5. This is a recent world wide news bulletin.

 [to be continued]


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