The Lawlessness continues in Saint Kitts

Greetings to all Amateur Radio operators and all persons interested in the Amateur Radio hobby at home and overseas. Do you know that the country of JAPAN has over 1.29 million Amateur Radio operators? Is it that they know something that we do not? Why do the Japanese people take Amateur Radio that seriously? Nobody else in the world is that serious. I suspect that if we get serious about Amateur Radio we can learn something that we can adapt to our SKN environment. No point trying to invent the wheel again. Can I give you an exercise, find out why over one [1] percent of the Japanese population are Amateur Radio Operators? You may discover something that we can scale down and apply to our Saint Kitts and Nevis.

For 2020 I am still into trying to develop and grow Amateur Radio in Saint Kitts and Nevis. This is what an Amateur Radio Society is supposed to do. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a member of the IARU, who is about developing and growing Amateur Radio in every country around the world. We also need to do that in Saint Kitts and Nevis. In the Eastern hemisphere of the world there is a serious focus on the Youths.  The IARU has now brought this focus to the Western hemisphere for 2020. I am hoping that SKN would be in the first wave of Youngsters. Amateur Radio Operators 18 to 26 years of age. It is not impossible. I got my Amateur Radio Licence at 19 year, the youngest then, but we can do better in 2020. Read about the Youngsters in ham radio and more on their websites.

We are now 17 days into 2020 and the lawlessness continues as the entity creating the illegal RF interference which jams the Radio frequencies used by amateur radio operators continue. The NTRC, who is responsible for ensuring that there is no INTERFERENCE caused to any service in the Radio Frequency spectrum, has issued the entity instruction to stop transmitting the illegal signals that are blocking other people from using frequencies assigned to them  by international agreement. The NTRC issued this cease and desist order since October 7th 2019. Three months and 10 days later the entity is still transmitting on the frequencies and breaking the laws of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The waterfall show the presence of  RF interference on this frequency tonight.

This does not happen in any other country in the Eastern Caribbean and OECS.  The offensive entity creating the illegal RF interference is SKELEC with their smart meter system.  The Amateur Radio Operators in NEVIS does not have any RF interference, because they do not have smart meters. I do not understand why other countries in the OECS have smart meter systems but their Amateur Radio Operators DO NOT EXPERIENCE the same RF interference like the Amateur Radio Operators in Saint Kitts. Maybe SKELEC need to check them to see what they did not do, and fix the smart meter system in Saint Kitts.

A CBI Amateur Radio Operators from Frigate Bay says that he has been here for three years and SKELEC did not do anything about the illegal RF interference. Strangely enough when Amateur Radio Operators come from the USA to operate in an Amateur Radio contest from Frigate Bay, SKELEC switches off the smart meter box that creates the RF interference for the days that the visitors are in Saint Kitts, but as soon as they leave the island the RF interference noise box is turned on again.

The waterfall show the presence of  RF interference on this frequency tonight.

I am a retired senior citizen with two hobbies, photography and amateur radio.  In the daytime I enjoy my photography and after dark I seek to enjoy my amateur radio. I can stay at home and speak to people all over the world every night on my ham radio, and I am happy with that, but for months now the skelec generated illegal RF interference jams the frequencies that I use to speak to people around the world after dark. So what am I supposed to do?  I need to speak to my Amateur Radio friends round the world. Would somebody please tell SKELEC to obey the law and stop generating the illegal RF interference that are affecting peoples services. I hear that other people know that it is the skelec smart meters upsetting their systems,  but they grinning and bearing it, because they want to play politics.

SKELEC can you please take out my smart meter just like you took out the smart meter in Frigate Bay? That will only be two [2] out of the twenty thousand [20,000] meters in Saint Kitts. I don't think that is too much to ask. When will the RF interference go away permanently?  I do not understand why skelec wish to go to COURT for the judge to tell them what they already know, that they are breaking the law and need to get off the frequencies.

The waterfall show there is no interference on this frequency
I have posted three [3] screen shots, of my radio. Two [2] are within the frequency range affected by the smart meter transmissions and the other, a frequency outside the interference range of the smart meters.  It is self explanatory. 

The lawlessness on this matter in Saint Kitts continues ……


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