No ham radio frequency jamming for Christmas

Greetings from the ham radio station of V44KF. If you are not yet into the ham radio hobby, let me invite you to investigate this hobby on google, learn more about the hundreds of ham radio operators in every country of the world, and join this unique band of ham radio operators who share a common joy of contacting each other on various digital radio communication modes around the world. But contacting each other is just a drop in the bucket, because these same ham radio operators are ready, willing and able to help each other in times of emergency and disaster situations no matter what country they may be in. Truth be told, no matter what country you are in, there will ALWAYS come a time when we have an emergency and disaster situation. The good thing is that ham radio helps us to be prepared for this eventuality. You may be the only ham radio operator in your community, and your ham radio knowledge and training in emergency communication can help you saves the lives of all the people in your community.

In St Kitts and Nevis we have seen over a thousand ham radio operators over the years, and that may seem like a lot for a hundred and four [104] square mile Federation with fifty thousand [50,000] residents. Most of these ham radio operators are sons and daughters of our soils. Since we are now into ham radio tourism we have seen groups of ham radio operators visiting our shores to operate in International contests, because the V47 call sign that is issued for our country is still very rare in the ham radio world, so the ham radio operators are in great demand. Every year there are scores of contests, and every year there are scores of ham radio operators willing to come to visit our SKN.

But it seem that our ham radio tourism is under threat because the Radio Frequencies that are used by visiting ham radio operators are being interfered with and being jammed by some sort of equipment placed on the electric power lines. I understand that the equipment responsible for the interference and jamming of radio frequencies is turned off when the ham radio operators are visiting St Kitts so that they have free and clear use of the radio frequencies, no noise, no interference and no frequency jamming. After they have contest operated for a weekend and gone back to the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, England, Italy, etc, where they do NOT have any such radio frequency noise, interference or frequency jamming, the local systems are turned back on and the local ham radio operators are again left to experience noise, interference, radio frequency jamming, and more.

It is interesting to note that NEVIS does not suffer from this radio frequency noise, interference, frequency jamming, etc. They do not have the same electricity provider.

I am now planning to move to NEVIS where I can enjoy my ham radio hobby without noise, interference or frequency jamming. It is against the LAW, locally and Internationally for any entity to cause this type of radio frequency interference, and frequency jamming, but apparently we live in a lawless society and community and who don't like it can stuff it.

The frequencies that suffer serious interference and jamming are the frequencies that are used for communications in emergency and disaster situations by everyone around the world, NEMA, Red Cross, Hurricane Center, ARRL, etc. I suppose that if we have an emergency or disaster situation here is St Kitts that the interference and radio jamming generating equipment will be turned off just like when the foreign hams are visiting. It is a pity that local ham radio in St Kitts has come to this.

I am hopeful that this ham radio frequency noise, interference and jamming will go away for Christmas 2018 and that by 2019 the frequency spectrum will return to being interference free. Nobody in the developed world has this radio frequency interference and jamming, so why are we going back into the past, why are we as a new nation going backwards and not forwards. Something is very wrong.

There are many other services and people affected by the interference generating equipment but I do not wish to alarm anyone so I am just talking about my ham radio, but if you have digital or precision equipment of any kind, and if it is not functioning as you think it should, you may be wise to conduct an investigation into possible causes.

All I need for Christmas is NO noise, NO interference, No radio frequency jamming on the ham radio frequencies.


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