all systems

Thanks to my last blog post some of us have become awake and found the time and made the effort to get involved as never before. People take vacation from everything, including life and living, if given the chance. People need to be kept on their toes, sometimes on their face too, or they fall asleep, take an extended break, leave of absence, or whatever, they disconnect and move away and move on. In our hobby of ham radio, someone moves away because things are bad, well bad, as far as they are particularly concerned. It is a personal thing and we have to learn to appreciate that and to be there for the brother or sister, keeping them in touch with themselves and with the hobby, until they can bounce back. We may even have to assist their bouncing back, as best we can.

So we are moving on, and I am glad that my last post was able to provide a backdrop of sorts for the appreciation of future events. I knew nothing of the future, I just follow my spirit and 'write it' as it comes to me. Now we are all clear on matters of this nature and we are all agreed, set and ready to go forward, in the same book, and also on the same page. I am of the view that we have this particular mix of persons on our society's executive committee for a particular reason. It is incumbent upon all of us that we pay attention, interact and be involved as never before, and make this work for us, this time around. We have never been here before. In my opinion, we have come pretty close but never this close, and we cannot afford to blow it over 'stupidness'.

Well, the first meeting of the new executive was a tremendous success [in my opinion]. We not only had a quorum at start time, but the meeting brought back memories of the good times when the Red Cross hall used to be filled to capacity and overflowing, and everyone could not wait to start on ham radio projects, and ham activities. Ham radio is about activities and action. In this part of the world we have one season, at worst, one and a half seasons. We are outside all year round, so we need things to keep us busy. Unlike other hams in certain part of the planet with their seasons of confinement. We have to use our 365.25 days wisely, that is why we are placed here in V4, in SKN.

I am not any PR or PRO for the society. I am a ham radio operator and I have an interest in converting all persons with a little spare time, and less money, irrespective of age, into becoming a ham radio operator too. Google search 'ham radio'  Watch some of the videos and recognize that you can be just like those caring,  concerned and helpful persons, and even more. How some things appear to be shaping up, and going in our world for 2012, more caring and helpful people are needed, and will be needed ... and we still have our Atlantic Hurricane Season 2012 to come, from June 1st ... only two months and a half away. I am seeing weather and feeling wind already and the season is still far off. We need to get ready early and be as prepared as we can ever be for the unexpected in severe weather in 2012.

I still don't have any photos for this blog, but next time I should because I hear that things are happening and if I get a hint of the activity in time, I will get a chance to practice the paparazzi ... from the other side of the street.

Well, all systems are functioning, we are not counting down to lift off, we have lifted off and on course. Keep in touch and get on board, there is room for everyone.


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