V4 forward ever

I had to abandon my blog for the 16th February entitled "QRP time". How thing are going these days I hope that I can complete and publish it. I suspect that QRP may be a solution that can mean something to some of us, and I am not speaking about myself because I can afford to go QRP. I have been around for a while and worked the world. There are only a few countries that I still have not contacted, but I am not fussy because there are no ham radio operators there, and no plan for any DX-expedition is in the offing. QRP is a challenge that I think could bring me some ham radio excitement. But we will look at QRP later and see what gives.

Recently I had a chat with a local ham radio operator and it concerns me that some of us may not seem to be as optimistic as we should be. Optimism is a personal think so I am not knocking anyone, it is just that I see things differently, plus, I may know a couple things that some people do not, and it may not have anything to do with my age. It behooves everyone to be as optimistic as they can be if they are seeking success in whatever their quest. It is sometimes unfortunate that some people do not subscribe to any aspect of personal development, but rely on the default of being 'street smart' to survive and press toward their perceived goals of success. I understand that. It brings a certain amount of local wisdom, but sometimes a little more on that is necessary. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their our opinion, they are right in their own mind, but it may not be the correct end to everything.

Recently the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society [SKNAARS] had their AGM and elected a new executive committee. The amateur radio society has been around since April 12th 1973. It has seen its share of good times and hard times in the last 38 years, but it has weathered the storms and is still here, because there are ham radio operators in St Kitts-Nevis [V4]. The society may not be as vibrant in these times as some of the membership would like. All societies have internal issues ... because people are not computers or machines ... and some things don't get done speedily [or not at all] and some tempers flare. Nothing new. That goes with the territory of working with human beings.

So, this year the AGM elected a new executive. An 80% new executive. I welcome the change because we need new blood, fresh blood, different outlook, out of the box thinking ... to make a difference, especially in these challenging times. The new executive is comprised of ham operators who are new hams, some who may have only had their license for 2-months. I like that. I have had my ham radio licence for over 44-years, and I know where we can take ham radio in V4 if we really want to and if we try. I am of the view that with an optimistic outlook and real team work, we can again grow our membership to over 70, irrespective of the times we now live in. It all begins with the belief that we can do it, and I seriously believe that we can and will.

Some of the members are not as optimistic, because they seem to allow their 'petty political' views to dominate their thinking. To me it is not important whether the society executive members [as individuals] support or do not support the Government of the day. Yes, the society, is involved in certain aspects of our National Security, and interacts with certain entities like NEMA. That has nothing to do with any politics. SKNAARS offer a service to the Nation, irrespective of any who or which Government.

I gather that some members feel that there will come a time when the Society's President, and maybe the Execute, will have to meet with the Prime Minister, in discussion. They are of the view that the Prime Minister will not wish to dialog with our Society President, because he is not known to be a supporter of the Prime Minister's political party. I am not condemning that kind of thinking, because many people could feel so too, but I do not agree that thinking is anywhere near correct. Late last year, according to the news, the Prime Minister met with many persons and they seem to have agreed to certain things, and everybody came away happy. We who live here think that we know who are the Government supporters and those who are not.

I wish to encourage the pessimistic ham radio operators that they need to open their minds wider and put things to the test, and not kill anything before it is dead. Give the Prime Minister the opportunity to prove whether or not he supports the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society, because the President of SKNAARS for 2012 is not know to be one of his party supporters. I would be very surprised to know that the Prime Minister subscribes to any brand of "petty politics". It is also preposterous to think that SKNAARS should send a delegation, to meet with the Prime Minister, that is comprised of the supposed sympathetic political supporters from the SKNAARS membership. The bottom line thinking is that even if the meetings happened, no positive results would ever be forthcoming in our lifetime. Well, we have to see how this pudding is going to steam.

I am behind the 2012 SKNAARS executive, irrespective of the perceived "personal politics", because that has nothing to do with ham radio. I wish that  the ham operators in St Kitts-Nevis would have their head screwed on right and support the new executive, the Society, and let us make this work. We need to put SKNAARS back on the map, and back in its place in Regional and Caribbean ham radio. What we do here in V4 ham radio seem to threaten everyone else, who are larger than us, and maybe figure that they can do it better. I don't mind that, let us start it here and let them finish it somewhere else. The whole region would be better off for it. We also must extend our hand to the Nevis Amateur Radio Club [NARC] and see how we can motivate and assist them.

The St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society [SKNAARS] is committed to the growth and development of Amateur Radio in the Federation of St Kitts-Nevis ... the wider Caribbean  ... and the World.

Forward ever V4.


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