economic and financial cooperation

This must be my ham radio month, and maybe I should really look out for and expect great things to happen, for me. It may sound like I am getting old but surely not selfish. Aging brings a certain level of realization for some people, and maybe it has something to do with conscience and the softening "in the head" and/or brain. As to whether there is any scientific correlation and truth I have no idea. The old people are known for saying things like this, and maybe it is some sort of wisdom that I am not yet privy too, so I leave that right there.

I am cleaning up my computer, evaluating and deleting old files in my ham radio folders. Yes, my computer is home to ham radio software, photography software, and other software programs, and I try to keep them in some logical order, just like emails, a different email account for different hobbies and interests, not one email account for everything. From my limited experience it is only in a wok you can cook everything together and get away with it ... if you know what you are doing. So I am cleaning up my computer and finds a Spectrogram program that I downloaded from a discussion group some years ago. It is now installed and working. In acquiring more information on Spectrogram from the internet I come across the W5BIG vector impedance antenna analyzer website, and a thought struck me.

A couple days ago a ham radio operator inquired about my having a VHF antenna analyzer. I have an HF antenna analyzer because my favorite ham band is 40-meters and I am developing an interest in 80-meters too. So my antenna building and testing is between 3 and 30 MHz and I am setup for that. Recently the new ham radio operators were taken through a VHF antenna building exercise, hence the inquiry. I don't think that anyone is working VHF DX so they can get away with a slight antenna mismatch, for now. From experience I know that as long as you follow the construction details to the letter, you are good to go on the air right away. So  these antennas are working, but to my knowledge still not proven to be tuned up accurately. I am not knocking the methodology or criticizing our brothers and sisters, because that is just how things are for ham radio operators around the world. This is not very unlike the guy who will fix your Mercedes and BMW but does not have a "certifiable" garage.

On numerous occasions I have discussed antenna analyzers with various ham radio operators. As much as we  all know that we need this critical instrument to get our antenna into top shape, we also know that a good analyzer cost a pretty penny and we will have to lay out the cash, sooner or later. Ham radio operators invest in some expensive toys, and I am not getting into anyone's business, but good financial management may suggest that, especially in these recessional times,  we do not spend the money on the ham radio hobby products. In practice that is wasted advice, for some of us still go out and get it, if we want it, not if we need it. I am in the market for a VA1 analyzer from Autek Research, one ham operator is in love with the MFJ analyzers,  another is watching an analyzer made in Russia or some place in that area, another has eyes for the AEA model. Everyone has a different analyzer fancy probably dictated by their pocket or financial extravagance.

In the final analysis all these hams will have an antenna analyzer to check the occasional antenna they may build or install, but none of them will have the use of the most sophisticated and cutting edge antenna analyzer that money can buy. The total collective outlay for these antenna analyzers could be over one thousand uncle Sam and we would all be happy. I am of the view that the V4 ham radio operators and the fraternity would be better served if we can consider and cooperatively agree to invest in a top quality antenna analyzer like the AIM4170C, and I believe that some information and data is available on the w5big website. The AIM4170C is compared on this webpage with some of the other popular analyzers that some of us would prefer to buy.

If we can agree to cooperate and also agree to invest and procure this antenna analyzer it may be the start of a revolution in our ham radio activity in our Federation. I say that because history will be repeating itself, and because that action has proven to be a building block and a necessary component to our society's longevity and success. There was a time when V4 did not have a 2-meter repeater, and we wanted one in the worst of ways. In the final  analysis, Colin V44KQ, and his ham radio friends in North America was able to "find" a retired "commercial grade" repeater that would serve our needs. It was not FREE, and it came with a cost, to get it ready for us, the way we wanted it, and to get it into SKB. The club did not have any money so we agreed to split the cost between the hams who agreed [and those who could afford] that we should have a 2-meter repeater on SKB. To make a long story short, we dipped into our pockets and got our 2-meter repeater and that started a revolution in ham radio in V4.

When I say things like this it seem to upset some folks. I am not arrogant, but will say it anyway. I am looking at the AIM4170C for my shack shortly. It is my prerogative if I wish to let anyone or no one use my personal antenna analyzer. There are some people in the world today who want to exploit everyone else, while they seek not to share or help others, irrespective of their disposition. I am cognizant that it is their right to be who they are, and what they wish to be. I was not born to be selfish, but I do not think that I should allow myself to be exploited by selfish and unscrupulous people. And I am done with that talk about selfishness, for now.

We live in different times now, and we have to develop different strategies for our survival. Some of us are having a hard time to cope and to readjust, while others do not. If we recognize that some of our ham brothers and sisters are trying, but seem not to be making it, it should not take anything off us to offer a helping hand. Of course you have to be observant and make sure it is not a ploy. I am always ready and willing to talk to ham radio brothers and sisters about ham radio, and sometimes about other aspects of life, as they would wish. Many of us leave our God out of our life, but believe that God is there when we have a problem. God is always there but you may not be able to hear Him because you have difficulty tuning in to His voice.

Our ham radio club seem to have ignored God  for a while but it seems that now we have recognized the deity it is on a surer footing, and we are moving along fast forward. Let us go with the flow and run the race as we must, and for those folks who say "we are moving to fast", may I suggest that you get a new pair of running shoes, because we are in for a long and fast one, and I would not want you to drop by the wayside.  Our club executive will need divine guidance if we are to meet the economic and financial challenges of the times, but I believe we can do it, if we keep the Almighty in and ahead of the loop. May we all have a great ham radio day, today.


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