time to think outside the box

No storm or hurricane for this Independence celebrations is most welcome. The stormy season was already here when Independence came along, and since it is not going anywhere, nor away, we just have to live with the weather and integrate as best we can. I believe that the people and the Country have adapted, and the weather does not unduly spoil their joy. Worst case scenario we have a storm on our shores and the celebrations have to be cancelled, but that has only happened once to my knowledge. The real thing about Independence for most people may be the holidays, the partying and the lime, and the adverse weather helps by adding more days [off from work] for merriment. This is just a Caribbean way of life and I love it.

The partying begins today even though Independence day is 19th September.  The 16th is National Heroes day, a public holiday. You may be lucky to catch some folks working hard on the 17th and 18th since the 19th is another public holiday. I think the Labour laws state that you can forfeit wages for the public holidays if you did not work the day before and the day after, but to some "party animals" that is not an issue. There is also those folks who will fly off the island today for the Virgin Islands and Miami for the long holiday weekend lime, and be back here on the job next week Tuesday morning. Thanks to the daily American Airlines flights from the USA, Miami and New York.

Those of us remaining at home will find something to do and may either go the horse racing track or the motor speedway. It is really fantastic that a small island Federation like St Kitts & Nevis has these two "internationally certified" business operations, and can attract overseas guests and participants. Some others will find themselves down on the South East peninsular for picnics and the lime. Our tourists have a ball down on the South East peninsular, but sometimes I feel that our citizens and inhabitants, do not appreciate what they have and could enjoy. But then they are happy and comfortable in their own  million dollar castles so I should be happy for them too.

The holidays also provide the ham radio clubs on the islands the excuse to conduct a simulated emergency exercise. There is the odd year when it is the real deal. For this year there has been one real SIM and attempts at another two or three. I keep telling these guys, when you want a function to fly high, just provide drinks and create the liming and party atmosphere, but they are not listening. And if they throw in the BBQ, our hams in the neighbouring islands like VP2E, PJ, KP, V2, J7, etc., may even come home for the event and catch the Independence action too.

Ham radio is alive and well in V4 land, but I think the SKNAARS, St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Amateur Radio Society is dead, and needs an immediate resurrection or a re-birth but the executive and members are unwilling to face that reality. From the outside I have seen this coming for a few years, and have written about the necessary injections more than once. But nobody listens, for whatever is their reason. Maybe it is just too high for them, like over their heads, even though I do not believe so.  I am of the view that talking about the problems will not change anything nor bring any new life back into SKNAARS. The last super human effort brought 14 ham operators together for a meeting, but for the follow up meting, not even a handful was present.

 SKNAARS was founded in 1973 and have been run with that 'mentality' [no disrespect] from then to now. We have seen some light under various presidents, but progress and development have not been additive, or as accumulative as I think they should be. SKNAARS had dynamic presidents over the last 37 years. I am of the view that if SKNAARS can establish a "past presidents task force"  to chart a new 21st century course for SKNAARS, we should be able to rescue the present organisation from doom, and bring it back to life and everyone should be happy. But nobody is listening, nor even willing to think outside the box. The past presidents include, V44KAE, V44KBW, V44KA, V44KAQ, V44KK, V44KAM, with support drawn from past executive members like V44KO, V44KAI, V44KD and V44KBJ.

But the SKNAARS executive is not amenable to that idea, and will try to flog the dead horse yet again and that brings me to another suggestion. Why not just let the organisation die a natural death and be re-born. For the last year we have tried to keep it alive, just barely, but it is slowly slipping away, despite the best efforts. So let it die. The constitution makes provision for this and also for the rebirth. But it seems that some smart folks may have altered the "2010" constitution and removed this section which cater for the reality of life that SKNAARS now face. That is, lack of interest in ham radio within the club. The constitution was specific as to what happened and how the rebirth was effected.

I am of the view that this rebirth action is what is needed now, since the other options are not working or seem unworkable. The rebirth is nothing new to St Kitts-Nevis and within the last year we have seen quite a few local entities go through that, and some even entertained a change of name. I also feel that it is time to rename SKNAARS to ARSKNA, the Amateur Radio Society of St Kitts Nevis Anguilla, or ARSKN, the Amateur Radio Society of St Kitts Nevis. No need to explain why in these modern times. The concept of the rebirth is the age old solution that resolves many issues and gives us hope, providing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope that SKNAARS would stop being petty and small minded and let their imagination expand to encompass other ideas and concepts. Some people seem to have the view that they have a monopoly on brains and ideas, and it is either their way or no way, and that has killed the organisation and driven members away big time. Let us hope that we can all rise about our ego and look at our options and seek to try something that can really work rather than try to flog the dead horse once again.

As a founding member of SKNAARS I suggest and endorse the rebirth idea. I know it has favour and support within and without SKNAARS. It is a new idea to most of us, but it is not a new idea to many on our planet. Like I said, it is time to think outside the box, and these times demand it.

May our Independence celebrations be enjoyable and so too may any ham radio activity scheduled for the accompanying holidays.


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