
Ham Radio 2017

Greetings Ham Radio Ops, all, This is just a coincidence, that this blog is now an annual event, but going forward I will change that. There is a lot to say about ham radio, as we seek to introduce our ham radio operators to the world, and the world to our ham radio operators in V4, St Kitts and Nevis. Since my last blog many things have happened, and you can catch up on all the action, and get up to speed on the amateur radio society's Facebook page at The amateur radio society is moving fast forward, working to put many things in place, as quickly as we can. Working fast is the order of the day, because we have to be as safe as possible soonest. No one wants to be caught pants down between June and December. Hurricanes are not like before. Irma and Maria did not adversely affect St Kitts, Nevis or Antigua in 2017, so we are not taking any chances in the years ahead. It is regrettable tha

V4 ham radio accelerates

Greetings, welcome to another ham radio blog from the shack of V44KF, on St Kitts-Nevis, the most beautiful islands in the Eastern Caribbean. This blog will be brief as I am only permitted a few minutes on the computer every day. Christmas is coming as usual. I do not know how many ham radio operators will get the 'santa syndrome' this year, given the global situations and changes. I am of the view that irrespective of the global conditions a real ham radio operator will always produce his dated 'santa list. This is something that I have done every year and it has always worked for me. Santa may come early or late, maybe the next year, but 'santa' always comes. This works for my ham radio and my photography to, and it may work for you ... anyway, you have nothing to lose, so give it a try. Early in 2016 Amateur Radio in St Kitts and Nevis experienced a boost when members of the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society decided to rebirth their Society with

Ham Radio 2016

Greetings ham radio operators, all is well in V4 land, and getting better. Ham radio is alive and growing. Earlier this year ham operators agreed to establish a brand new executive in the ham radio society. The new management is guided by the revised constitution which took some years to complete and implement. Under the new constitution the society should grow into the entity that is required in these new economic and technological times. I believe that as long as the membership set their sights on the goals they seek to achieve nothing will stand in their path. In these days creativity and innovation are key ingredients when you live in these Islands of very limited resources, but nothing is impossible for the people in our St Kitts and Nevis. Ham radio on personal and individual levels in V4 continue to grow up slowly. Motivation is provided by the older ham radio operators who have their own ham radio stations. In the past the driver to ham radio was the club radio station and

Ham Radio 2015

Ham radio is still alive and well at V44KF. Time slips away and before we know it 16 months come between blog posts. Ham radio is one of those hobbies which have very deep valleys and even steeper hills, as I have learned over the past 45 years plus. I do not know if ham radio on a Caribbean island is any different from ham radio in the metro. Hams  operators are the same all over, but conditions are different, given the economics of every country and how people feel they should face their future. In some places the future is determined by the people and in some other countries it is not. Some people believe that each one of us is responsible for ourselves and have the ability to chart our own course, as we wish. I am not getting into that, but as far as my ham radio vision can see is has always been up to us in the past, and so it is in the present, and all things being equal, so to in the future. I think many of us have to retract that pointing finger of blame. Ham radio

buy local

It is coming up on that time of year when we can have our ham radio emergency operations tested by some of the elements. We always expect to past this test with flying colours. I am not privy to the postmortem results but the conclusions that we are told to draw afterwards always seem to indicate that we were at the head of the class, again. That is commendable since we know that our works and documentation is what was used to form the backbone of the regional system, pertinent to disaster and emergency, bringing some light into the darkness of the communications that existed back then. Over the years nothing has really changed, except the people, and nothing needs be said, because what we may now have is a result from the progression of people and place, and it is not anything short of what was to be expected. I see this from my elder ham perspective. Many new hams may tend to disagree, because they do not believe in what I believe in, and they refuse to see the reality of the times l

Season 2013

After 40 years I believe that the St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Amateur Radio Society is coming out of the wilderness. That is my view and I suspect also the view of some members of our ham radio society at what I hail to be an historic meeting at the Red Cross Convention Center on Bradshaw Hill last evening, June 4, 2013. I am still alive and well and engaged in the hobby of ham radio in our V4 land, St Kitts and Nevis. Today is just 5 days short of a year since I last posted here. It is not that I did not have anything to say, but there are times when you have to cool out and just watch movements from the sideline, and in my case not upset people with my usual 'different' point of view. It is not my fault if I see things differently, especially when they sometimes seem predictive. Some of us are just born that way, and maybe it is for a purpose. I notice that our society is moving upward and forward, and I think that it may have something to do with our embracing certain spirit

season 2012

It is time for ham radio again. This year seems to be going so fast that there is no need to complain, but just go with the flow. These are the days when you go to sleep on Monday and seem to wake up on Friday, in time for weekend. No point in trying to explain what did not happen as planned, just reschedule and hope for the best. These are different times and call for a new approach and even a new attitude, if one is to remain sane and prove to be the dynamic person that one is supposed to be. I missed some days and weeks, but I am not judging and holding myself to account for something that I elect to do in and on my own time. We are into another hurricane season. This is something cast in stone. And when dealing with these "stones", one has to be permanently on the ball, and there is no getting away from anything. I have not been close to the local ham radio hub for a few weeks and I am not in a position to determine whether the ham radio product in V4 is in a state of