
Showing posts from 2018

No ham radio frequency jamming for Christmas

Greetings from the ham radio station of V44KF. If you are not yet into the ham radio hobby, let me invite you to investigate this hobby on google, learn more about the hundreds of ham radio operators in every country of the world, and join this unique band of ham radio operators who share a common joy of contacting each other on various digital radio communication modes around the world. But contacting each other is just a drop in the bucket, because these same ham radio operators are ready, willing and able to help each other in times of emergency and disaster situations no matter what country they may be in. Truth be told, no matter what country you are in, there will ALWAYS come a time when we have an emergency and disaster situation. The good thing is that ham radio helps us to be prepared for this eventuality. You may be the only ham radio operator in your community, and your ham radio knowledge and training in emergency communication can help you saves the lives of all the peo

Think big today

It is a very bright and beautiful day in St Kitts and Nevis. I wake at sunrise and see that the grass on my lawn still display rain drops from the early morning shower. The sky is blue and cloudless, but the mountain just West of North are covered with thick clouds. The base of this mountain is only two miles up the hillside from my home, which is less than a mile up the hillside from the beach, and overlooks the Basseterre Bay. There is nothing better in the world than living on an island. Just think about it. If you miss this, you miss one of the secrets of living the "American Dream" on the best islands in the Caribbean. Why is St Kitts and Nevis the best, because the word impossible does not dwell in our vocabulary. Time and again we have proven that the size of our landmass and population does not decide where we can go, nor what we can do on our islands. We all know what happens here, just Google "St Kitts and Nevis" and find out. Among ot

V4 ham radio 2018

Greetings ham radio operators, all Ham radio is alive and well in V4 land. From my ham radio station V44KF in St Kitts at #35, I wish all ham radio operators, supporters, friends and even haters/enemies, continued prosperity and great health for 2018. This is my first post for this year, so permit me a minute to express my thanks to all who helped to carry my ham radio up to another level in 2017, and to express condolences to the family and friends of those ham radio operators who have passed to the great beyond. Ham radio in St Kitts and Nevis rose to a new level in 2017. Many of us were lucky to be part of the process. Ham radio continue to rise in 2018, but there are a few issue that want to threaten our sanity. Over the years I have seen many issue like this,  so I can tell you that we just have to dig our heels in, maintain our focus and any insanity will find its way out through the door. The picture of the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society [SKNAARS]  HQ/EOC