Portable vertical dipole antenna under construction

The 80 meter band was very noisy last night and no contact was established with 2E0KXD. We will be more scientific about making the next contact. Scientific because one has to ensure that everything is in place to support the contact between two stations so far apart like over the ocean. Just down the road say 500 miles it is no problem, that is only 8 degrees away, and most likely still in the same time zone. I am no big time DXer, but I suspect that most hams with a little seriousness about working DX, on another continent, would have a copy of the Sunrise Sunset book and tables. My copy is by ON4UN / AA401 - 1987, and I consult it occasionally. This puts you right on the money, but still does not guarantee that you will have a contact, but it puts you squarely in the game. Other tools like the clusters also help the bottom line. According to the SS SR table the UK SS is around 20.40 and the V4 SS is about 22.46. The UK SR is at 03.39 and the V4 SR is at 09.37. I know historically th...