
Showing posts from July, 2020

Nine months and counting ...

West Bus Terminal, Bay Road, Basseterre, Saint Kitts under construction. People the world over are declaring that "Black" matters, but regrettably, we in Saint Kitts and Nevis may be unable to show public solidarity with brothers and sisters overseas because our country is under a State of Emergency. Fortunately for us in this Federation we do not seem to suffer from the 'police brutality' that people in other countries say that they experience. That is a good thing because we may not have that level of racism, which seem to be a trigger for the present global activity. But that does not mean that 'RACISM' does not exist in our Saint Kitts and Nevis. Racism is alive and doing well in certain entities of our Federation, and that racism continues to create a measure of gross injustice and lawlessness in our country. I have been a licensed Amateur Radio operator in the Colony Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, and now in the Federation of Saint Kitts an