
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Lawlessness continues in Saint Kitts

Greetings to all Amateur Radio operators and all persons interested in the Amateur Radio hobby at home and overseas. Do you know that the country of JAPAN has over 1.29 million Amateur Radio operators? Is it that they know something that we do not? Why do the Japanese people take Amateur Radio that seriously? Nobody else in the world is that serious. I suspect that if we get serious about Amateur Radio we can learn something that we can adapt to our SKN environment. No point trying to invent the wheel again. Can I give you an exercise, find out why over one [1] percent of the Japanese population are Amateur Radio Operators? You may discover something that we can scale down and apply to our Saint Kitts and Nevis. For 2020 I am still into trying to develop and grow Amateur Radio in Saint Kitts and Nevis. This is what an Amateur Radio Society is supposed to do. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a member of the IARU, who is about developing ...

Thank You!!

2020 New Years Day Sugar Mas Carnival Parade Welcome to 2020 and my world of Amateur Radio. As I begin a new year I like to take a minute to briefly reflect on my amateur radio, and on amateur radio in our Federation, as far back as I can recall. Amateur Radio in St Kitts and Nevis is due in part to the Amateur Radio activity of Amateur Radio Operators, past and present, who dedicated their time and effort to the hobby. There comes a time when we need to give THANKS to all the Amateur Radio Operators and their Families. Amateur Radio Operators are unique, and Families have to develop unique skills to live with people who talk a foreign sounding language and exchange coded messages with other amateur radio operators across the world. This activity sometimes go on for hours, and into the darkest night, when the long distance communication is best.   This is a short list of Amateur Radio Operators who have helped me, and some of our present amateur radio operators, ...