
Showing posts from September, 2010

one hf collinear vertical coming up

It is hard to believe that another month has zipped by so quickly, but this time I can see how and where it went. We must be in the end times, even though that is being said now for the last couple hundred years. I recently stumbled upon this link while searching for the original story to make a point. I am flabbergasted, but not loosing any sleep over it. Follow the link and draw your own conclusion. Hurricane Earl passed North of V4 land on 29/30 August 2010. Since it was not going to be a direct hit on the island I elected to leave my 40-meter vertical with 3 nylon guys up in the air, for that ultimate test. After a few hours into the wind I was beginning to feel sorry for the belly-dancing vertical. Some time during course of the next morning my neighbour called to inform that one of my antennas was down. A few hours later when it was safe to check I found that the nylon guy ropes were still intact, but the 31-foot ve

time to think outside the box

No storm or hurricane for this Independence celebrations is most welcome. The stormy season was already here when Independence came along, and since it is not going anywhere, nor away, we just have to live with the weather and integrate as best we can. I believe that the people and the Country have adapted, and the weather does not unduly spoil their joy. Worst case scenario we have a storm on our shores and the celebrations have to be cancelled, but that has only happened once to my knowledge. The real thing about Independence for most people may be the holidays, the partying and the lime, and the adverse weather helps by adding more days [off from work] for merriment. This is just a Caribbean way of life and I love it. The partying begins today even though Independence day is 19th September.  The 16th is National Heroes day, a public holiday. You may be lucky to catch some folks working hard on the 17th and 18th since the 19th is another public holiday. I think the Labour laws stat