
Showing posts from October, 2022

Take the shot ..

  It is that time of year again, the seasonal changes which affects ham radio propagation in the north hemisphere. I am looking forward to see what will make my days. This year should be different because we are rolling up towards another peak of the sunspot cycle. Hams are reporting making DX contacts with low power. This is cycle 25 and it is looking good so far, and expected to get better. This is a contact making opportunity that no young hams should let pass. Young is in reference to the length of time being a ham radio operator. This is the season when some folks treat themselves to gifts, that they have done without for the last year or years. Some folks were saving to buy that dream radio, the one that you looked at everyday. I go a step further and make a poster print of the radio I need and stick it on the wall next to my computer. When the radio finally drops into the radio room, the picture on the wall is replaced by a new picture of some much needed ham gear. This is h...

Any day now

It is the middle of October, Christmas and Carnival are shaping up nicely. People are pleased to have the return of the customary Christmas and Carnival activities and festivities which the last government had stopped. Of course that only stopped people from going onto the street, but everyone had their own personal Christmas and Carnival. Long story short, things have changed, and we are back to normal. It is expected that we will act responsibly in everything that we do, and institute and maintain our own protocols, because we are a serious people. I am still awaiting the official announcement from the regulating authority of amateur radio, with respect to the interference generated by the electricity company, which blocks and jams transmissions in some of the HF amateur radio bands. I see that the Minister of Telecommunications, and of Electricity was quite busy overseas attending conferences. He has returned but still conducting his familiarization exercises within his various mini...