
Showing posts from August, 2016

Ham Radio 2016

Greetings ham radio operators, all is well in V4 land, and getting better. Ham radio is alive and growing. Earlier this year ham operators agreed to establish a brand new executive in the ham radio society. The new management is guided by the revised constitution which took some years to complete and implement. Under the new constitution the society should grow into the entity that is required in these new economic and technological times. I believe that as long as the membership set their sights on the goals they seek to achieve nothing will stand in their path. In these days creativity and innovation are key ingredients when you live in these Islands of very limited resources, but nothing is impossible for the people in our St Kitts and Nevis. Ham radio on personal and individual levels in V4 continue to grow up slowly. Motivation is provided by the older ham radio operators who have their own ham radio stations. In the past the driver to ham radio was the club radio station and