
Showing posts from January, 2015

Ham Radio 2015

Ham radio is still alive and well at V44KF. Time slips away and before we know it 16 months come between blog posts. Ham radio is one of those hobbies which have very deep valleys and even steeper hills, as I have learned over the past 45 years plus. I do not know if ham radio on a Caribbean island is any different from ham radio in the metro. Hams  operators are the same all over, but conditions are different, given the economics of every country and how people feel they should face their future. In some places the future is determined by the people and in some other countries it is not. Some people believe that each one of us is responsible for ourselves and have the ability to chart our own course, as we wish. I am not getting into that, but as far as my ham radio vision can see is has always been up to us in the past, and so it is in the present, and all things being equal, so to in the future. I think many of us have to retract that pointing finger of blame. Ham radio