
Showing posts from February, 2011

... an end and beginning ... V4 ham radio

It is hard to believe that I missed a whole month worth of blogging. With 28 days to a month it is almost two months between blogs. Is this a sign that the end of the world is close? I see ads on Facebook pointing to an end time just months away. Now if this for real what should we be doing about ham radio? I guess the uncomplicated response is simply, nothing. Nothing we can do or say will change anything, so I am not complicating my life any further, so nature will just have to run its course and we will see what is left back the day after. Mark you, I did not say who, because, if they are correct, some of us reading this today will not be here ... and that would be something else, but that is not the subject of this blog, so I will leave that alone for my blog at I am seriously dropping behind with the experimental antenna, half wave vertical over another half wave vertical. Everything was assembled on the ground but I  was not happy with the stability o