
Showing posts from August, 2010

... so they win?

... and the winner is Flex Radio ... with a 40-meter collinear vertical. Over the past week I find myself playing with my Flex radio and rather enjoying it .... and up to now it has not costed me one cent. In other words, I am enjoying my Flex radio for free, and while doing that I am also introducing and demonstrating this technology to other open minded hams. I don't want this to sound like our hams are not progressive, knowledgeable or open to the technology, but as easy as change and adaptation may be for some of us, it is certainly not so for others, especially those who may not be daily impacted by some aspect of technology. I have worked with technology since 1968 so I am extremely comfortable with the Flex radio ... and even more so since the designers have not skimped on its performance. Let me back up and explain that my FREE Flex radio refer to the PowerSDR software, and irrespective of which hardware package I ultimately use later, today I can play with, access and eva